Travel adventures: Keelung's badouzi daping shore

 So family came to visit us so we went to the very rocky shores of badouzi with fun tidal pools.

We used Aiky's youtube channel to take the 2088 bus from city hall station on the blue line. It took around 1.5 hours from our house. 

The video helped us to figure out how to get onto the water front. 

We consulted the tide chart to make sure we'd be able to go onto the rocks. It is very rocky and slippery here so we recommend some good beach shoes. You can use nets and we saw people snorkeling here too so we might do that next time we go again. 

There are a lot of interesting rocks, including one that's suppose to look like a seal but I didn't find it. 

My kids liked searching for little sea creatures here. We saw some people with nets and buckets but people will put them back into the ocean before they leave.


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